Loraine James, Container, Brainwaltzera, The Automatic Message, Bad Channel, Afrodeutsche, Dialectic Sines, John Selway, Lily Ackerman, Ole Mic Odd, SFV ACID2019.12.22
Daniel Savio, Selim X, Jonas Kopp, Aos, Jessica Kert, Ali Berger, Xen Chron, Yamaneko, Doc Sleep, LDY OSC, Bézier, Marshall Applewhite2019.12.08
Biochip, C.L.A.W.S., Original Clique, HOLOVR, Will DiMaggio, Selim X, Adam Jay, Fengir, Richard Holhburn, Jonny L, Nikki Nair, Erika Gluck, Alex Falk2019.11.24
Telefon Tel Aviv, Bilagaana, Doc Sleep, Bodyman, The Automated Message, Bary Center, Mike Ash, Echo Beach, bergsonist, Pursuit Grooves, Beautiful Swimmers2019.11.10
with guest DJ Peter Bunzinelli from the Chambre Noire label and mix/event series2019.10.27
M//R, sard, SW, Zone Motif, AGF aka poemproducer aka Antye Greie, RUI HO, Loraine James, LOWEBRAU, Ariel Zetina, juneunit, Hiroko Yamamura, Ceephax Acid Crew2019.10.13
Jacek Sienkiewicz, Kaltstam, µ-Ziq, Raica, Porter Ricks, Maurizio, Malory, rRoxymore, Simon Weiss, Richard Holhburn, Martin Schulte, Shinedoe2019.10.06
James N. Murray, Broken Haze, Auton, Alex Falk, burnet207, Ariel Zetina, Liquid Asset, Ben Ritz, Naeem, Kamyar Khanzaei, AceMo, Sug2019.09.29
hosted by DJ Choozey & Anabasine2019.09.15
juneunit, Simon Heartfield, Clara Brea, Bary Center, Caldera, Jackson Lee, 8b, Detromental, Soul Tangler, D'Marc Cantu, gayphextwin2019.09.01
AGF, Rui Ho, Apartment Fox, Simic, Avalon Emerson, Doc Sleep, France Jobin + Richard Chartier, Electric Indigo, Aurora Halal, Savile2019.08.18
object blue, JTC, Mark Groot, Doc Sleep, Wilted Woman, S Chioini, Locked Club, Ole Mic Odd, Gene Tellem, Legowelt, VC Vibes, Fred P2019.08.04
Jonas Kopp, Afrodeutsche, Baltra, Ali Berger, Lone Dancer, Shinedoe, Maral, Medooza, M//R, Skee Mask, Lenacid, Paula Temple2019.07.21
Birds of Prey, anabasine + Holobody, Cruel Diagonals, Hugo R.A. Paris, Tilliander, JTC, The Creatrix, Atlas Of Nothing, Dan Snazelle, rRoxymore, Sainte Nitouche2019.07.07
Sissel Wincent, Debby Friday, Ametrom, bergsonist, Experimental Housewife, Loveland and friends, Transmit, Lauren Flax, Softcoresoft, Special Request, Ten Years Lost, Grey People2019.06.23
hosted by Fengir2019.06.09
Artist and DJ Dominique Alexander got behind the board to take us on a sonic journey in this edition of the show.2019.05.26
Gatineau-based artist Paraphonique visited the studio this week to chat about his new album, Propos et confidences on Jeunesse Cosmique.2019.05.12
Ghostride the Drift, Roche, Secret Studio, Israel Vines, Persuasion, Shiver, Fengir, Violet, Mark Groot, Bleie, Paramour, James N Murray2019.03.31
Montreal’s D.Blavatsky visited the studio to perform a live set, and play some sources of inspiration for us…2019.03.17
This week we had a studio visit and live set from Montreal’s buffalo MRI2019.03.03
Doc Sleep, N'conduit, BBRB, Carl Neuberg, Osborne, Voiski, VTSS, Russell E.L. Butler, VARET2019.02.17
naw, Michael Claus, Machine Woman, Pom Pom, Fitzroy North, Stef Animal, Luke Eargoggle, Skinnybones, UR, Lone Dancer, Ruth Grader, Ozel AB, Bergsonist2019.02.03
Dennis Young, Specter, Russell E.L. Butler, Secret Studio, BPMF, Glyn Hendry, Ulysses, bleupulp, Cruel Diagonals, Xosar, Beta Librae2019.01.20
hosted by DJ Choozey2019.01.06
CITOFONO, Jega, Borai, Lurka, Charles Manier, Photonz, Pascal Hetzel, David Last, Russell E.L. Butler, Jeremiah R., Mor Elian, Mind Safari, Miwon2018.12.23
Kelly Moran, Eddie Lakes, Martin Dumais, Erika, Gauss, burnet207, Clementine, Sole Tech, Skinnybones, Locked Club, Dar Embarks, Abacus2018.12.09
Kuma, Sainte Nitouche, Machine Woman. Solotape, Photonz, Shelley Parker, Beta Librae, Fred P, Batu, Richard Devine, Objekt, Speedy J2018.11.25
Strategy, Benoit B, gonima, Peder Mannerfelt, Interstellar Funk, Nikki Nair, Bad Channel, Gene Tellem, AOS, Mor Elian, Espen T. Hangård, Locked Club, R-Zone2018.11.11
richard devine, raudive, objekt, kelly moran, raica, medooza, iori, ghorba, bleie, earth trax x newborn jr., grey people, pye corner audio, sainte nitouche2018.10.28
brooke keller, forest drive west, Anome, mutant beat dance, AS1, Akumu, Community Corporation, L/F/D/M, Aquarhythms, 154, Gene Tellem, FOQL2018.10.14
puce mary, wickles, Auton, Orphx, Michael Claus, ital tek, grey people, photonz, AOS, Clay Wilson, assembler code & jensen interceptor2018.09.30
hosted by Ida Hex2018.09.16
pascäal, L.B. Dub Corp, 12 x 12, Nihar, Tape Ghost, x-altera, voiski, Russell E.L. Butler, iZuel, Lone Dancer, Paranerd, bilagáana2018.08.19
bilagáana, jus soli, claude young, donato dozzy, laksa, heidi sabertooth, cruel diagonals, jaclyn kendall, re:flektr, bpmf, shelley parker, rui ho, shinra2018.07.22
hosted by Ida Hex2018.07.08
Mitchell Goor, Paranerd, Michael Claus, Nihar, Altered Natives, Analog Tara, AOS, LA-4A, Prototype 909, Minimal Violence, gayphextwin, black replica2018.02.04
Essej Pollock, Persuasion, Jasen Loveland, NX1, Mind Safari, Ron Zakrin, Josh Caffe, Kris Baha, Borai, Pursuit Grooves, Wilted Woman, D'Marc Cantu, Dynamo2018.01.21
dimitris palikaris,Seer, dialectic sines, M.E.S.H., pessimist, answer code request, Wiklow, rkss, pascäal, mr. cloudy2018.01.07
Antenes, susumu yokota, damon wild, pye corner audio, olin, Savile, k-hand, delta funktionen, Gene Tellem, golden donna, SFV Acid, claro intelecto