The annual funding drive edition of the show, featuring music by Shinedoe, Ménage, Gabriel Rei, SSA, Space Ghost, Vince Watson, Escaflowne, Ayesha, Jdotbalance, Sepehr, Legion of Green Men.
Donate at ckut.ca/donate
Shinedoe - Enjoy the Moments - Sound Travelling - 100% Pure
Ménage - T.O.A. - Animalia 001
Gabriel Rei - All And This - City of Dreams - Bienvenue Recordings
SSA - Birds of Paradise
Space Ghost - Soul Shower - Dance Planet - Tartelet Records
Vince Watson - Mystical Rhythm - Alola Records
Escaflowne - Voyage - Burfdae
Ayesha - Varanasi - Ether - Kindergarten Records
Jdotbalance - Buzzer - High Exposure - forthcoming on Fixed Rhythms
Sepehr - Survivalism - Survivalism - Shaytoon
Legion of Green Men - Synaptic Response (Faculties Of Cognition) - Spatial Specific - Plus 8