
sard, Eric Cloutier, Archivist, Anome, Simone Bauer, Folded Grid, bpmf, Bary Center, Keith Fullerton Whitman, JASSS, Rebecca Goldberg, Peder Mannerfelt, The Subdermic

sard - lithium gum - radio limit - bandcamp
Eric Cloutier - Pluviophile - Stimulus Package - palinoia records bandcamp
Archivist - Palenque - Cinder Cone - second nature
Anome - Bacite ih - ibiza boys
Simone Bauer - Arcadia (Refracted Remix) - Arcadia - sure thing
Folded Grid - Cartesian Systems - Electrode Millwork - junted
bpmf - Blunt St - BizzOD Monday Madness - Serious Bidness - Schmer
Bary Center - Brain Training - service - bandcamp
Keith Fullerton Whitman - Aphex Twin; -Alberto Balsalm- (1995) - Resonators (1)
JASSS - We Solve This Talking - Whities 027
Rebecca Goldberg - Mood Organ - SYNTHETIC WORLD - bandcamp
Peder Mannerfelt - Everywhere, Everywhere - Like We Never Existed - voam
The Subdermic - Lone But Never Lonely - All Shapes and Sizes - bass agenda
