
Strategy, Mental Expire, Ouri, Archivist, Call Super, MUE, Lucita Octans, Debby Friday, Honeydrip, Aquaventure, ottoman.gruw, s.talbot

Strategy - Chaotic Era - Chaotic Era - Dreamtone
Mental Expire - Synthetic Sky
Ouri - Chains - Frame of a Fauna - Lighter than Air
Archivist - Stone Eater - Psion - Sure Thing
Call Super - bodiesinheaven II - Cherry Drops II - Can you feel the sun
Ouri - High & Choking, Pt. 1 - Frame of a Fauna - Lighter than Air
MUE - 1,000 Passages - 1,000 Passages b-w A Tangle of Filaments - La Rama Records
Lucita Octans - Jive Tunic - Dreamers II
Debby Friday - Runnin (single)
Honeydrip - Criticism Again - Montreal Dances Across Borders Vol. 1
Mental Expire - Fluid
Aquaventure - Expanding Uncertainty - Montreal Dances Across Borders Vol. 1
ottoman.gruw - The Sound Of Joy Is Enlightenment - Montreal Dances Across Borders Vol. 1
s.talbot - walk with me - Montreal Dances Across Borders Vol. 2
