
Rhaeticus, Nick Edwards, Seekersinternational, Sard, Dialectic Sines, Loraine James, Ali Berger, Space Afrika, Terrence Dixon, Loraine James, Fix, Drexciya, burnet207

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Rhaeticus - Together Apart - Four-Sided - Navy Yard records
Nick Edwards - For Mika - Beginning To See The Light
Seekersinternational - IfUWantMe - TrustInDigikal / IfUWantMe - bokeh versions
Sard - lithium dub - radio limit
Dialectic Sines - Machine Hand - Electric Valley
Loraine James - Umm - Hmm
Ali Berger - Voices - Sump Pump - spectral sound
Space Afrika - bly - Somewhere Decent To Live - Sferic
Terrence Dixon - Ivory Coast - Train Of Thought - Yore
Loraine James - Mmm - Hmm
Fix - Killmode - Electrofunk Records
Drexciya - Aqua Jujidsu - Journey Of The Deep Sea Dweller II - Clone
burnet207 - out of order - hyper-realistic - zero grow


Ian Oakley, Robert AA Lowe, Joe Sousa, Blacklauren, Global Communication, Erika, Experimental Housewife, bastiengoat, Lårry, UMFANG, Kush Jones, Bézier

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Ian Oakley - Rise and Fall - Rise and Fall - Wake up
Robert AA Lowe - Gravitational Pull - Physically Sick 3 - Allergy Season & Discwoman
Joe Sousa - 33 Masks to Asphyxiate Behind - Infinite Cold Distance - detroit underground
Blacklauren - Salo - The Observer of Omens - Lost Soul Enterprises
Global Communication - 4 02 - 76-14 - Dedicated
Erika - Xenon Moon - WorldWideWindow compilation - Enisslab
Experimental Housewife - Quaggy's Guide to the Sky - Quaggy
bastiengoat - Brilliance - QUALMS
Lårry - Derdach (Cocktail Party Effect Remix) - Kauz - Super Hexagon
UMFANG - Angel Beat - Physically Sick 3 - Allergy Season & Discwoman
Kush Jones - Reso - EP - Future Times
Bézier - Fig - Lost & Found Vol. 1 - Dark Entries Records